The cause of a kerosene oil leak in a Powys border town still hasn't been found after almost a week.

Bishop's Castle Town Council said it is "very concerned" that the source has yet to be identified after it was first reported in Bull Street on Friday afternoon (November 1).

Bishop's Castle Mayor Cllr Josh Dickin said on Thursday (November 7) that various stakeholders have been involved and inspected the area as well as representatives from Shropshire Council "but to no avail".

READ MORE | Emergency meeting held after 'pretty bad' stink sweeps across town

Residents are advised to stay vigilant for any signs of oil.Residents are advised to stay vigilant for any signs of oil. (Image: Susan Parry)

"The leak still cannot be located, so the problem continues," he said.

Residents are advised to stay vigilant for any signs of oil appearing in drains or water course.

The Mayor added: "The Town Council and Shropshire Councillor Ruth Houghton feel that this is a public health concern and that a co-ordinated approach is needed in order to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

"The kindness and determination of residents and businesses working together is helpful and appreciated as the source of the leak continues to be sought. We thank them for that and also for their patience whilst work continues to try and get this problem resolved."


An emergency meeting was held in Bishop’s Castle on Tuesday evening (November 5) to “find a way forward” after the oil leak left a strong smell lingering in the town.

"A few things came out of the meeting with residents which are being investigated whilst we continue to try and identify the source of the oil leak," the Mayor said.

"We really need property owners/residents in the area to check oil tank levels daily and to keep a record of these checks.

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"Also, please, please let us know if you have seen a dramatic drop in your oil levels or find any break in a pipe or unexplained oil in or around your oil tank."

Residents and businesses are asked to report any sightings of oil appearing in drains or watercourses to Mayor Cllr Josh Dickin on 07530 691106 or Cllr Ruth Houghton on 07773 490773