Having read the article in your column of Politically Speaking by Steve Witherden on declining services in rural public areas, which includes the NHS in Wales, I must congratulate him on the efforts he is making in this respect.

However he does not touch on the reasons for this decline and who are responsible for creating them.

For over 20 years Wales has had a Labour Government who have administered and controlled our devolved NHS.

During this period there has been a steady decline in the Health Services provided in Wales culminating in the present position where Wales has the worst NHS in the United Kingdom with a waiting list of over 750,000 of patients awaiting hospital treatment.


There are various reasons for this firstly the Labour Government in Cardiff must shoulder the major responsibility for the state of our NHS in Wales in particular our present First Minister Eluned Morgan who under her tenure as Health Minister we saw the largest increase in waiting times.

The Nuffield Trust were recently commissioned by the BBC to investigate the reasons for the poor Health Service in Wales.

They found mainly in their report that the reasons for this situation was lack of investment in the Welsh NHS by government and the poor performance by staff and Health Boards in Wales .

Finally I would like to include a quote from the Director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Mr Darren Hughes recently he said in his final paragraph :- “it is for the population across Wales to ask what they can do to support the health and well-being of people  now and in the future. Change must happen, it’s not an option to stay as we are”

Graham Roberts, Welshpool