A ‘VIOLENT’ Newtown man who launched an unprovoked attack that left his victim with life-changing injuries was jailed at Mold Crown Court.

Sean Jones, 32 and of Lon Derw in Newtown, was sent down for 14 months by Judge Niclas Parry on Tuesday, October 22 after pleading guilty to grievous bodily harm and threats to destroy property at Welshpool Magistrates' Court last month.

The charges relate to an incident in Newtown on November 25, 2023 when Jones, who was with his teenage son watching a football match at The Exchange in Broad Street.

READ MORE: Newtown man threatened to burn police officer's house

He confronted Kieran Walker with accusations that he tried to run over his son and proceeded to harass his victim, who tried to draw away from a confrontation with his attacker.


At the end of the match, Mr Walker left the pub only to be confronted again by Jones who was waiting outside before he pushed and shoved his victim and then landed a hard left-handed punch into his face.

He attacked him again and Mr Walker said he could taste blood and was left dazed by the punch.

Judge Parry was told that his victim now has screws and metal plates in his jaw and was left both physically and psychologically damaged by the attack.

Jones left the scene and police arrested him the following day with prosecutor Michael Witty telling the court the defendant was abusive to police, shouting at them from a window.

He then began to abuse Sergeant Ryan Sweetman and said he would only go with police if that officer left, but they were able to enter the house and arrest him.

In custody, Jones then tried to headbutt Sergeant Sweetman, and refused to co-operate before telling the officer that he knew where he lived and ‘would burn his house down’, before going on to describe Sergeant Sweetman’s former property in exact detail.

Jones was re-arrested the next day after this, and further insults of ‘crackhead’ and ‘paedo’, came to light.

Myles Wilson, defending, called on Judge Parry to suspend any sentence he would impose on his client because he was the sole parent to his son.

He added that Jones’s own ‘terrible upbringing’ made him an overprotective father but he accepted the irony of his behaviour at the police station setting a bad example.

He also said he regretted the incident as ‘he was not stupid enough‘ to mean any such threat.

Judge Parry said: “You’re a violent man.

“Mr Walker now has permanent nerve damage and has lost the feeling to the left side of his lip and he had to have four screws fitted.

“These are life-changing injuries.

“You are to be sentenced for the threats against the police sergeant and who took them very seriously as you both knew you knew (it was the right house).

County Times:

“I’ve seen the references for you and that you want to work hard and it is indicative of your love for your son that you have made arrangements for his care.

“But this is too serious to be suspended and 14 months has to be served, with half on licence.”

A three-year restraining order, requested by Mr Walker, was also ordered but there was no separate penalty for the threat to destroy property.