Four Powys projects have been awarded £476,000 from the UK Government's Shared Prosperity Fund.

The Powys Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) Local Partnership Board, backed by Powys County Council’s Economy and Climate Service, allocated the money over the past eight months to support people in managing their finances and enhancing their wellbeing.

The funding falls under the 'Multiply' theme, aimed at improving numeracy skills.

Successful projects include the 'Making a Difference in Powys – Numeracy' initiative by the Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations.

This project received £206,672 to support charities and community groups keen to run maths-related schemes.

Cambrian Training's 'Family Numeracy' initiative was awarded £153,480 to provide courses on managing household finances and assisting children with maths homework.

The courses will be offered to low-skilled and low-paid employees in Powys workplaces.

Age Cymru Powys bagged £61,397 for their 'Money MOT for over 50s' initiative.

This project provides numeracy training for older adults to help them manage their finances, retain or find employment, and enhance their confidence in solving maths problems.

The Centre for Alternative Technology received £54,297 for their 'Greener Maths at CAT' project.

They will run courses for adults to boost their confidence in using maths while learning about energy, biodiversity, or sustainable construction.

Councillor David Selby, the council’s Cabinet Member for a More Prosperous Powys and Chair of the Powys SPF Local Partnership Board, said: "Our objectives under the Multiply (improving numeracy skills) theme are for adults to achieve maths qualifications or participate in numeracy courses, for there to be fewer numeracy skills gaps reported by employers, and an increase in the proportion of adults that progress into sustained employment or education, and increased adult numeracy across the population generally."

The Powys SPF Local Partnership Board is responsible for deciding how the just over £26 million in SPF money allocated to Powys for 2022-25, by the UK Government, should be spent.

The partnership includes several organisations, including Powys County Council, Powys Teaching Health Board, Business Wales, Mid Wales Tourism, and One Voice Wales.