A POWYS mum who 'facilitated' her teenage child selling drugs, and benefited from the dealing, has been warned she will be jailed if she breaches her suspended sentence.

The Montgomeryshire woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was jailed for 15 months, suspended for two years, at Mold Crown Court.

Judge Rhys Rowlands heard that between April 2023 and June 2024, the woman’s child, who was under 16, was dealing drugs. She was aware of the dealing but did not encourage them into it, the court was tod.

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However, messages were read out from a phone seized by officers after her home was raided showing she "facilitated" the dealing and also benefitted from it.


When her property was raided on June 20 this year, officers found six grams of cannabis and other paraphernalia plus a Samsung phone with messages that indicated dealing.

Judge Rowlands also heard that the cruelty charge was formed by messages sent proving she tried to force rent payments from the child.

The prosecution also told the court that a basis of plea – that she did not force the teenager into dealing but that it was carried out on behalf of others who threatened them – was accepted by the Crown.

In mitigation, the court heard that the defendant wanted to reduce her drug use and remain crime free and had previously completed all requirements of a community order.

Sentencing her, Judge Rowlands said: “You facilitated them selling cannabis on behalf of others but the messages showed you benefitted from the selling and you used them too.”

He told her that a suspended sentence was appropriate because of her early guilty plea and previous cooperation with probation.

County Times:

She was given 15 months for being concerned in the supply of cannabis and 12 months for child cruelty to be served together.

Judge Rowlands suspended that for two years, ordered a 12-month drug rehabilitation requirement (DRR), 20 rehabilitation activity days and 60 hours unpaid work.

However, he warned her: “If you miss rehabilitation days or the DDR, you will be brought to this court and end up going to HMP Styal which would ‘kibosh’ seeing your family.”