A COURT has handed a Radnorshire quarry worker a community order for assaulting his former partner.

Shane Lock, 32, previously admitted assaulting his former partner, as well as criminal damage, and was sentenced at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court this week.

He also previously pleaded guilty to causing criminal damage at his ex-partner’s home – Lock punched a hole in the wall.

Lock, of Tecla, Llandegley, committed the offences on June 24 at a property in Llanddewi.

At a previous hearing, the court was told Lock and his partner had split up a few weeks prior to the incident.

The complainant was in bed and woke up to the defendant in her bedroom, screaming and shouting at her, calling her names.


She was struck by a mirror to her shin and he punched a hole in the wall.

Shane Maddocks, prosecuting on Tuesday, October 15, said: “I am conscious of the domestic nature of this incident.”

Owain Jones, defending Lock, said: “The defendant is remorseful. He acknowledged he lost his temper.

“The mirror falling and hitting her was reckless, and he regrets his actions. He has cooperated fully with police and entered an early guilty plea.”

Mr Jones said Lock, who works as a supervisor in a quarry, had now split up from his ex, but the parties are friendly.

County Times:

“It ended amicably, reflected in there being no application for a restraining order,” said Mr Jones.

Magistrates issued an 18-month community order; this will include Lock completing 20 rehabilitation activity days, plus 100 hours of unpaid work.

Magistrates told him they’d considered compensation, but didn’t feel it was appropriate. He must also pay a £114 surcharge and £85 costs.