A MAN who drunk drove his car with two flat tyres and hit a kerb at Newtown’s McDonald’s has been banned from driving.

Harry King, a 23-year-old student in Bristol, pleaded guilty to being nearly twice the legal limit when he was accosted by police officers at the restaurant in the early hours of September 8 this year.

CPS prosecutor Helen Tench told the court that King had been seen driving the vehicle with two flat tyres and then hit the kerb in the car park.

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He then left the car and entered the restaurant where staff could see he was drunk.


Police arrived and he told them he had been drinking three ciders and that he was drunk, but he only drove the vehicle into the car park to get help with the tyres.

He then blew a roadside test of 64mg per 100ml of breath, nearly twice the legal limit of 35.

Owain Jones, defending, told Magistrate Stephen Pembroke that his client was ‘deeply remorseful’.

He said: “This defendant is a young man with previous good character and he is ashamed of his actions and takes full responsibility.

“You will be concerned by the flat tyres but there had been no accident prior to this incident.

“He is studying business at Bristol University and there are great expenses with that.

“He has a zero-hours contract agency and travels to venues to work so a ban will greatly reduce that level of employment.”

Mr Jones also handed a letter of apology to the bench on behalf of his client.

Mr Pembroke said: “Thank you for your early guilty plea and your letter of apology

“You knew what you did was wrong.”

County Times:

King was also fined £250 and ordered to pay a £100 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

He was given an 18-month ban from driving but if he completes a drink-driving rehabilitation course by October 2025 then he will be allowed to drive again two months later.

If not, his ban will run until April 2026.