Autumn storms are well and truly here, September was such a wet month, but Powys, to date, has been spared the worst of the flooding, writes councillor Aled Davies.

However, with the temperatures falling quickly, Powys pensioners have not been spared the savage cut in their Winter Heating Allowance by the Labour government. 

There has been uproar across the country following the announcement of this savage cut. The impact of this cut on Powys pensioners will be greater than on most other pensioners in the country, data released shows that the cost of heating homes in Powys is the highest in Wales. 

With our older than average homes that are poorly insulated, without access to mains gas and reliant on oil or solid fuel for heat. It is shocking that our elected Labour MS’s and our new Labour MP support this cut. 


Only a few short weeks ago at hustings across the constituency the yet to be elected MP promised that he would put residents before party. He won the election and soon forgot his commitment. 

I must also accept that my party lost, the consequences of which we must all live with, however hard it may be, even for the most vulnerable, but that will not stop myself and the Conservative group on the council fighting for our residents.

Home to school transport is never very far from the headlines, especially in Powys with the long distances that some of our children must travel. 
Powys Council’s home to school transport policy has a big impact on families and their ability to choose a school which is best for them.

The council has asked the cabinet to ensure that the policy helps to support parental choice, that request has been ignored.

The ruling groups at Powys County Council, the Liberal Democrats and Labour, appear to forget that our council is here to serve the people and our communities across Powys, to deliver services in an equitable manner to all.

The stark reality of the council cabinet’s disregard of the wishes of residents was clear to see with their decision on Monday to restrict choice.

The cabinet are trying to tell parents across Powys that they know what’s best for their children’s education as they try to suppress parental choice by restricting free school transport to the school of the cabinet’s choosing.

The opposition groups on the council are attempting to reverse this decision, all confidence in the cabinet has been lost.