A WOMAN who hurled foul racist abuse at a pub owner and went on to assault him has been sentenced, and banned from listening to loud music.

Tanya Roe, aged 40 and of Garth Road in Machynlleth, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

She had previously been convicted of racially aggravated assault and criminal damage, assault by beating, failing to surrender to bail, and two counts of failing to comply with a community protection notice.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that the assaults and criminal damage matters took place at the Red Lion pub in Maengwyn Street, Machynlleth, on July 27 last year.

Roe had been at the establishment with a friend, and when the business owner, Jitendrakumar Kishormbhai, confronted them about smoking inside the premises, they started dancing.


Things "turned sour" when they were asked to stop, with the defendant becoming abusive and telling Mr Kishormbhai: "I'm banned already you dumb f***," following which she pushed the victim to the chest and swung her head at him.

She said: "Don't f****** talk to me like that you c***", and proceeded to use racist, verbal language.

Roe left the pub, but turned and kicked the door, causing a crack in a glass pane.

And she didn't stop there - approaching the window of the pub, shouting and swearing at the victim.

County Times:

In his statement, Mr Kishormbhai said the comments made him "very sad," as he loved bringing people together at the pub, which he said was previously a place "people would fight" but has become well regarded during his management.

He said: "It upsets me when I respect people and they don't respect me back."

The fail to surrender charge arose out of the defendant's non-attendance at "multiple hearings," Mr Espie explained.

And the failures to comply with a community protection notice concerned a requirement she was subject to not to play music so loud that it can be heard outside of her property between 10pm and 8am.

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On both occasions - November 25 last year and February 3 this year - she did exactly that, resulting in the police being called.

Stephen Edwards, defending, told the court: "I have met Tanya for the first time today as duty solicitor.

"She has not been before the court since 2010, so 14 years out of trouble.

"It looks as though 14 years ago, she got a community order looking at issues of cannabis use and alcohol.

"She kept all appointments, was bot breached and had a good level of engagement with the practitioners."

Mr Edwards said over the years the defendant has "suffered severe depression, aggravated by unhappy relationships which have been abusive."

Regarding the community protection notice, he added: "She has accommodation; this is a Powys County Council rented property.

"On occasion she's clearly been playing loud music and she wishes to apologise for that."

Magistrates handed down a £360 fine and ordered the defendant to pay £640 compensation to incorporate the repair of the damaged door and the psychological harm she caused to Mr Kishormbhai.

She was made the subject of a five-year criminal behaviour order specifying that loud music must not be played at her home at night unless using headphones, and she must not act in an anti social manner anywhere.

Roe must also pay £200 costs and a £144 victim surcharge.

The total sum of more than £1,300 is to be deducted from her benefits.