Welshpool welcomed an array of attractions to transport people back in time for the 2024 version of its annual 1940s Weekend.

As the 1940s Weekend returned to Welshpool town centre for another year, the event drew in crowds that the event’s founder and organising committee chair called 'probably the biggest crowd of people in Welshpool town centre in a good many years'

Vintage vehicles, historical re-enactors and classic sit-com stars were all in attendance as the town centre was transformed into a scene from the 1940s on Saturday, September 28, and Sunday, September 29.

A parade, led by Knighton Silver Band, left the Royal Oak at 11am, escorting the town mayor and special guests Guy Domville Siner, Kim Lesley Hartman and Richard Gibson from the television comedy series 'Allo Allo' to the town hall.


Chair of the Welshpool 1940s Committee, Alan Crowe, said: “The event saw probably the biggest crowd of people in Welshpool town centre that it has seen in a good many years.

"Saturday was by far the busiest with people from all over the UK swelling the coffers of local businesses.

Welshpool 1940s Weekend returned to the town centre. (Image: Gary Williams) Visitors dressed up for the town's 1940s Weekend.  (Image: Gary Williams) Knighton Silver band leading the parade in Welshpool 1940s Weekend. (Image: Gary Williams)

“Numbers were up for the afternoon variety show and the additional dance with The Swing Commanders proved popular as did the entertainment in both the Raven and Baytree.”

Leading up to the event, several fundraising events and competitions were held throughout Welshpool to help fund the 1940s Weekend and get Welshpool residents in the sprit of the event. Sue Ryder charity shop won the best dressed window competition.

People were out dressed in wartime attire for Welshpool's 1940s Weekend.  (Image: Gary Williams) Stars of the sitcom 'Allo 'Allo  at Welshpool's 1940s Weekend. (Image: Gary Williams) Stars of the sitcom 'Allo 'Allo  at Welshpool's 1940s Weekend. (Image: Gary Williams)

“The continued success of the event needs the support of the businesses and the community organising satellite events to build on the main attractions as being small the committee cannot do everything.

"Both St Mary's and New Street churches organised an afternoon tea and a Narnia exhibition respectively which both extremely well supported and added to the overall experience of Welshpool 1940s weekend thus attracting more and more people each year.

“The committee wish to thank those businesses that decorated their windows, gave financial donations, raffle prizes as without this support the event would not happen.

There was dancing in the town centre. (Image: Gary Williams)

“It was also great news that the Town Council decided to back the event by donating the use of the Town Hall building for the weekend.

“By working together Committee, Community, Town and County Council, Businesses and so forth we can really put on an even bigger event.”

Fundraising events for next year’s 1940s Weekend have already begun, with a bingo night being held on Tuesday, October 8, in the Corn Exchange at 7pm and a quiz at the Old Bakehouse on Tuesday, October 22.