A furious councillor has said Powys' reputation faces 'enormous damage' if a major canal project falls apart.

Powys Independent group Cllr Graham Breeze spoke out after a report from Powys County Council's internal auditor SWAP revealed that £6m from the Government for the redevelopment of the Montgomery Canal could be lost.

He said: “What has really concerned me is that the first I heard of a delay and possible loss of the funding is when I read it in the newspapers.

“That really annoys me.

“If we didn’t have this report in front of us today would any of us have known or when would we have known? I’m alarmed by that.”

Cllr Breeze said that as one of the councillors for Welshpool he had been at the centre of the project “from day one”.

Cllr Graham BreezeCllr Graham Breeze

“I’m very supportive of it," he said. "The reputational damage this would cause if we fail to deliver this project is absolutely enormous and totally indefensible.”

He asked cabinet member for economic development and regeneration Cllr David Selby why this hadn’t been brought to all councillors' attention sooner, so it could be discussed openly before auditors picked it up.

READ MORE: Powys canal and museum to receive £1 million renovation


Liberal Democrat Cllr Selby said: “The process for the project is the same as anything else in the council, the appropriate reporting is done at the appropriate time.

“We could not discuss an audit report until receiving it either.”

He explained that the general election and change of government had caused problems.

Cllr Selby said: “I’m confident that we know the way out of this and so long as the PAR (project adjustment request) process can speedily be resolved at a (UK) government level then we are ready to get on.

(Image: NQ)

“You will know there are contractors on site in Welshpool working on elements of the project now as we speak.

“Nearer Newtown work is being conducted on the aqueduct.

“It’s not like nothing is happening, there’s a lot of work going on.”

Cllr Breeze said: “I don’t accept that you could not come to council with concerns that you could share that this project is at risk.”

Programme delivery manager Louise Nicholson explained that there are a number of bureaucratic layers of management to the project before getting to the political level.

She explained that in July 2022, cabinet had approved delegating the day to day running to a project board so long as it kept to the approved funding.

Anything more that would have to go to cabinet for a political decision.

Ms Nicholson said: “We have our project board but also our programme delivery supporting communities board which we reported to on this.

“That then goes up transformation delivery board and on to CLT (corporate leadership team) and cabinet.

“There are reports giving updates on this project going through the system and those should have been shared throughout.”

Before the application for an extension goes to Westminster, Ms Nicholson said it needs to be approved by cabinet.

Once the Liberal Democrat/Labour cabinet sign off the “project adjustment request” it will be submitted to the UK Government in November.

If this extension is agreed, the project could have an extra nine months more to spend the available funding.