A work-based learning provider in Welshpool received a glowing Estyn report following an inspection carried out over the summer.

Cambrian Training Company, based in Buttington, Welshpool, are celebrating the results of their most recent Estyn report, which praised the apprenticeship provider for having “a clear vision and strategic objectives to meet the needs of its learners and employers”.

Estyn inspectors were reportedly so impressed by the way the company’s senior leaders engage with and influence the hospitality, food and drink sectors that the business has been asked to prepare a best practice case study for Estyn’s website.

In the report, Estyn inspectors said: “A particular strength of leadership within this provider is the influence and support that senior leaders have made in the food, drink and hospitality sectors.

“They have long-standing relationships with a wide range of employers across Wales and work with industry representative bodies to address current and future skills gaps and training needs.

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“As a result, the provider develops its provision well to meet these skills needs for the food, drink and hospitality sector across Wales.”

This praise was especially valuable to Cambrian Training Services, as a majority of the company’s 2,100 apprentices work in the hospitality and catering, health, public services and care sectors.

The report did list a few areas of the business that inspectors felt could be improved, adding: “However, they do not identify key strengths and improvement areas explicitly enough and quality improvement planning lacks sharp target-setting that measures impact clearly.”

(Image: NQ)

In response to the recommendations, Cambrian Training Company has established an action plan to improve framework success and completion rates, target setting and self-evaluation.

Faith O’Brien, Cambrian Training Company’s Managing Director, said: "We are incredibly proud of the positive Estyn inspection and report. This recognition is a testament to our commitment to knowing our learners, meeting their individual support needs and ensuring every learner has the tools to succeed.

“We take great pride in offering a broad range of opportunities, including specialist courses tailored to meet the unique requirements of both learners and employers. This report highlights our dedication to delivering high quality training that prepares our learners for success in their chosen fields and future careers.”