A 12-year-old boy and his grandfather died while on a family camping trip in Powys, an inquest has heard.

Kaicy Rakai Zelden Brown was found by his uncle unresponsive in a tent on Saturday morning, September 14.

Specialists are to establish the levels of carbon monoxide in his blood as part of an investigation pending a full inquest. 

The boy, from Earley in Berkshire, was on a camping break with his brother and uncle, as well as his grandfather David Brown who also died during the trip.

An inquest hearing into Kaicy's death was held at Pontypridd Coroner's Court on Thursday, September 26.


Kaicy was found at 11am on September 14 by his uncle who was staying in the next tent. Despite best efforts, he was pronounced dead at 12.29pm by emergency services.

A pathologist at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital in Pontyclun, south Wales gave no provisional cause of death which was pending further investigation.

Senior coroner Graeme Hughes shared that toxicology test would be carried out for carbon monoxide levels in Kaicy’s blood.

"My deepest condolences to all of you for the loss of both Kaicy and David in such tragic circumstances," the coroner told Kaicy’s mother, grandmother and great aunt before adjourning the hearing until the New Year.

The investigation into the circumstances leading to Kaicy's death will continue.

Friends of Kaicy's mother Jessica Brown are fundraising £5,000 towards a memorial, funeral costs and legal fees to "relieve the financial burden of this tragic accident".

What happens at an inquest and what can the press report?

Reporting on inquests is one of the most difficult jobs faced by any journalist, but there are important reasons why local newspapers attend coroner’s court hearings and report on proceedings.

Here we will try and answer some of your questions about what will happen, what can be reported and why.

"It is with a heavy heart we make this request for our lovely friend Jessica Brown," Mytra Saidi said on the GoFundMe page.

"Most will know her as JRK and her amazing work helping many of the community with their housing needs.

"On 15th [sic] September the unimaginable happened to her son Kaicy, 12 and her father. They passed away from carbon monoxide poisoning on a camping trip.

"The money raised will go towards funeral costs, a memorial and legal fees as Jess wants to bring her boy home, as there is disputes within the family about where he will be laid to rest. We don’t want her to go through anymore headache at this sad time.

"Any donations would be greatly appreciated to help relieve the financial burden of this tragic accident, also to help many families in need."