A MEIFOD woman who smashed head-on into another car with children in the rear seats could face a jail sentence after she pleaded guilty at Welshpool Magistrates Court.

Sally Evans, 41 and of High Street, Meifod, pleaded guilty to one offence of driving with excessive alcohol before 9am on September 6 this year.

Prosecutor Kelly Pratt told the court that Evans was driving her Vauxhall Astra on the school run along the A490 with her two children in the back of the car.

READ MORE: Powys mum drove Vauxhall with kids after smoking cannabis

She collided head-on with another vehicle and when police arrived, they found the defendant in the driver’s seat with the airbags deployed.


Ms Pratt said the children, who had been removed from the scene by family members, were largely uninjured apart from a cut lip and some bruising from their seatbelts.

The court heard that police said Evans’s eyes were glazed over and that she ‘smelt of alcohol’ and then recorded a roadside breath test of 115 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millitlitres of breath, more than twice the legal limit.

She was taken to Newtown Police Station for processing where she was kept in a cell before she was charged with drink driving.

Ms Pratt told the court that Evans has two relevant and recent previous convictions since 2015: driving with excessive alcohol in 2017 and driving without due care or attention in 2015.

She also has a spent conviction of another driving with excess alcohol from 2010.

Her defence solicitor, Robert Hanratty, told the court that Evans was a single parent with significant health issues and acknowledge that children in the car was an aggravating factor.

County Times:

He admitted that this was her third offence with driving and alcohol and asked magistrates in Welshpool to request an ‘all options’ pre-sentence report ahead of a sentencing in three weeks.

This means that Evans could face a custodial sentence should

mMagistrates decide to do so.

She was bailed to reappear for sentencing on Monday, October 15.