A Powys volunteer is stepping back after nearly 60 years of service to a first aid charity.

Ruth Hockly, from Newtown, has been a dedicated volunteer with St John Ambulance Cymru’s Bettws Cedewain division since 1965.

Throughout her time with the organisation, she has held several roles, most recently serving as the divisional officer in charge.

In this position, she led other volunteers in the area, making a significant impact on the community.

Her dedication to the charity also extended to the Badger programme, which runs for children aged five to 11 throughout Wales.

From the first day her local Badger group opened, Ms Hockly became the Badger leader and has remained a committed leader ever since.

Ruth (right) is pictured with other Youth Leader award winners and St John Ambulance Cymru’s Chief Commissioner, Richie Paskell  (Image: Supplied)

She has taught generations of local children first aid and other educational and fun topics.

Her work has not gone unnoticed, as she has been officially recognised by the Priory for Wales, an independent priory of the Order of St John and a working Order of Chivalry of the British Crown.

Earlier this year, Ms Hockly was also recognised as part of the National Children and Young People Team’s Workforce Awards for her ongoing hard work as a Badger leader.


Fellow Powys volunteer, Julie Carrod, said: "Ruth has been a constant within our youth groups in Powys.

"Her years of experience have been invaluable to new leaders, with Ruth always willing to share her knowledge, experience, and wisdom with us all.

"So many youngsters have achieved their Super Badger award thanks to Ruth’s guidance, enthusiasm, and passion.

"She has been an inspiration for so many, ensuring that the young develop into fantastic role models."

David Gardner, assistant chief commissioner for St John Ambulance Cymru, who has worked alongside Ms Hockly for a number of years, added: "Ruth has shown years of dedication to the charity and has been extremely proactive in giving young people the best opportunities.

"Some of Ruth’s Badgers have gone on to become very successful people in their adult lives and I am sure that the learning they had as a Badger with Ruth helped them on their way."

The first aid charity for Wales has extended its heartfelt thanks to Ms Hockly for her hard work and dedication over the last 59 years, as a true inspiration to volunteer across Wales.

If you’d like to find out more about St John Ambulance Cymru’s Badger programme, which runs throughout Wales, please visit www.sjacymru.org.uk/badgers.