A NEWTOWN man who punched a fellow pub goer and threatened to burn a policeman’s house down will face a jail sentence next month.

Sean Jones, 32 and of Lon Derw, Trehafren pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm and making a threat to destroy property on November 25 last year.

Jones will be sentenced at Mold Crown Court on Thursday, October 17.

Welshpool Magistrates' Court heard that Jones was drinking at The Exchange in Newtown when he confronted Kieran Walker, who he knew but was not friends with.


Jones accused his victim, who was in court, of nearly running his son over which Mr Walker denied when Jones punched him in the face "with full force", according to prosecutor Helen Tench.

Jones then walked away from his victim, who did not try to fight back, before returning to make more threats to his safety.

Mr Walker picked up his belongings to leave the pub only to find Jones blocking his way, and the defendant punched his victim again, leaving him tasting blood.

The assault happened at The Exchange in Newtown.The assault happened at The Exchange in Newtown. (Image: Google Street View)

Ms Tench told the magistrates that Mr Walker was required to have surgery on a fractured jaw which then led to complications and further operations, with the victim left without some feeling in his lips.

The court then heard that when he was arrested, Jones made threats to a police officer – PC Ryan Sweetman – via a third party which was the custody sergeant and that he was "going to burn his house down".

Ms Tench said that PC Sweetman recognised Jones as a former refuse collector who knew where he lived and took the threats seriously.

This led him to place detection devices on his property and warn others near his home.

County Times:

Ms Tench added that "this was not a spontaneous or compulsive act" and recommended that sentencing be passed to Mold Crown Court.

There were no representations made on behalf of Jones.

A pre-sentence report was also ordered and Jones will be sentenced on October 17.