Self-contained bedsits in Newtown that have been blighted by anti-social behaviour could be converted into "high quality" flats.

Victorian Gothic villas Ty'r y Bobol and Nythfa, located opposite the war memorial in New Road, are considered "no longer fit for purpose," according to its owners Mid Wales Property Ltd which has been in discussions with housing association Barcud about providing affordable homes in the town.

Powys County Council has received a planning application which suggests that the current three-storey red brick buildings have "suffered from a variety of issues over recent years including concerns relating to anti-social behaviour".

Mid Wales Property Ltd, which has been developing the former Travis Perkins site into 40 apartments for Barcud, has revealed plans to partially demolish, refurbish, retrofit and extend Ty'r y Bobol and Nythfa into 11 one-bedroom and two two-bedroom apartments to meet the high demand for single and couple accommodation in Newtown.


"The redevelopment of the site is not proposing to increase the number of dwellings, in fact reducing it from the current provision [15], however, will enhance the existing offering via extension and alteration," the application said.

The proposed development aims to address the "existing low-quality accommodation and poor aesthetic appearance of the properties through high quality conversion of good design".

Plans include a large side extension on land between Ty'r y Bobol and its neighbour 2 Clifton Villas which would be "appropriate to the character of the area with design cures taken from local buildings and the historical context of Newtown respected".

The application suggests that the current six parking spaces will not be reduced with no dedicated visitor parking available however described local transport links as "excellent".

The view from the war memorial garden in New Road.The view from New Road. (Image: Hiraeth Architecture) What the extension could look like from behind the property facing New Road.What the extension could look like from behind the property facing New Road. (Image: Hiraeth Architecture) The view of the proposed extension from the war memorial garden.The view of the proposed extension from the war memorial garden. (Image: Hiraeth Architecture)

Powys County Council's Highways shared that parking standards in Wales state one parking bay per bedroom is required for a development of this type which is short of seven bays.

"However, the existing building only provides six parking bays for 16 bedrooms and the proposed development would result in no worse a situation than existing and the parking demand for the proposed development would be three bays less than the current situation.

"Based on the information submitted and our assessment above, the HA is satisfied that the development will have no detrimental impact on the highway network."

Powys County Council's Built Heritage Officer Dr Sam Johnson said that the proposed extension which is adjacent to the conservation area and several prominent listed buildings is "accepted in principle".

Dr Johnson added: "The use of brick is welcomed, and the scale of the development is generally considered appropriate. The proposed windows and doors should be timber, and it would be good to see these replaced in the existing building.

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"In regard to the extension as viewed on the north elevation, facing the conservation area. It is considered that a degree of separation would be required here between the main unit of the two Victorian Gothic villas.

"This building has a very vertical emphasis and the extension as proposed does not sit well without a higher level of separation. It is suggested the extension is moved slightly to the left, and the link reduced to two stories, and a hip added on the right side of the extension roof."

The application 24/1093/FUL can be viewed in full online. The target date for a decision by planners is Tuesday, October 8.