Concerns been raised that work to fix a section of the A470 between Carno and Llanbrynmair will include a full road closure lasting six weeks.

Part of the road north of Talerddig collapsed in November last year which resulted with one lane blocked off and a traffic light system in place for almost 12 months.

Shortly after the collapse, the Welsh Government confirmed it had been aware of “minor” defects before July 2022 “but these were not considered a risk to the carriageway”.

Now Plaid Cymru councillors Elwyn Vaughan and Gary Mitchell are calling on the Welsh Government to “look at all options” while looking at how to repair the road near the Powys village including a temporary route on a filled-in pool.

READ MORE: Permanent repairs to hole on A470 in Powys move forward

In a joint statement, the councillors said: “Everybody agrees of the need to repair this vital trunk route as soon as possible. However, rumours abound of a potential total road closure for six weeks, that would cause problems for residents who need to get to work, it would affect the public transport, disrupt the school transport to Machynlleth for pupils from Carno and Talerddig and would financially hit a number of businesses in Carno and Llanbrynmair.

“Every effort needs to be taken therefore to either have a single lane kept open or establish a temporary route at the site to avoid these problems.

“It would be an opportunity to drain the large pool at the roadside and fill it with rock from the roadside creating a temporary route for traffic.


“That is why we have asked Senedd Members Russell George and Cefin Campbell to raise these issues with officers in order to minimise the potential effect of any work.”

The County Times approached the Welsh Government for details including the start date, length of time and whether it will be a full road closure.

In response, a spokesperson said: “Plans are in the process of being finalised and will be communicated ahead of any work commencing.”

Last month, Montgomeryshire Senedd member Russell George shared that the detailed design for the permanent repair work to the wall had been finalised and work was programmed to start in October.