Welshpool councillors voiced their “frustration” at the way the renovation of the town’s Tourist Information Centre has been handled, with one labelling it as “dreadful”.

Accusations of mismanagement and overspending were levelled at the Tourist Information centre project during a meeting of Welshpool Town Council’s services and property committee on Wednesday, September 18.

While councillors stated they were happy with the final results, saying the renovations in question look “very good”, they criticised the way a project initially budgeted for under £100,000 has ballooned to well over £250,000.

READ MORE: Welshpool mayor says centre revamp 'mismanaged'

Cllr Nick Howells said: “I’m not really happy with the service we have received. I’ve been ranting about this for some months, but I think this contract has been dreadful.

“I hate using cliches, but it is what it is. We’re pushing as hard as we can to get it finished. I’m extremely frustrated and not happy with it in the least. At the time being I’d like to draw it to a close and keep pushing to get it finished and those new toilets opened.”

An update shared with the council revealed that the male toilets have been finished while the female toilets are missing a few components that can be fitted quickly once they arrive.


Cllr Billy Spencer agreed with both the quality of toilets and the contract, saying: “I recently went and had a look round and agree they do look very good.

“But I think it’s been handled terribly and as a reputable company they need to have a word with themselves as it’s not good enough.”

The new toilets block represents the final part of construction to turn the Tourist Information Centre into a multi-use facility that would house the council offices as well as offer improved public toilets for the town.

With the project several months overdue, councillors were divided over whether to focus on further investigating the project or pushing to complete it as soon as possible.

Cllr Chris Davies said: “We would like many answers regarding what has gone wrong in the Tourist Information Centre and the amount of work that has been done. It looks alright but the cost has been enormous.”

Cllr Phil Owen countered: “It is raking over old coals, I think. Clearly things went amiss, and we need to learn the lessons from that, like making sure we have clauses in the contract dealing with overspending and late completion.

“We know it’s gone wrong, but I don’t think there’s anything we can do. It got out of hand and out of control.”