Feedback on the 20mph speed limit to Powys County Council has shown it is surprisingly popular among county residents.

Over the summer, Powys County Council asked for feedback from residents on their thoughts on the 20mph zone.

In that time they had 53 residents ask for the 20mph speed limit to be revoked - but almost double that number (97) said they were in favour of retaining it.

The council also reported dozens of responses requesting 20mph return to 30mph or changing 30mph to 20mph at specific locations. Some of these referred to the same areas and affect 48 individual sites or section of road.

This feedback relating to the 48 individual sites or section of road will now be assessed against revised Welsh Government guidance on setting 30mph speed limits on restricted roads and other 20mph speed limit roads.

READ MORE: 20mph: Increase in number of motorists caught speeding

READ MORE: Speed cameras in Powys monitoring 20mph speed limit

READ MORE: Guilsfield speed limit to be reduced by Powys County Council

"We are grateful to those who took the time to provide us with feedback during the Welsh Government's recent listening exercise," said Cllr Jackie Charlton, cabinet member for a greener Powys.

"It was pleasing to receive so many positive comments in support of the 20mph policy and how residents felt it had improved road safety and the local environment in their communities.

"For the 48 identified individual sites or section of road the process will now begin to assess the feedback against the newly published Welsh Government guidance.

"For any roads where the speed limit could be changed, we will be liaising with the relevant local councillors and Town and Community Councils. There will also be an opportunity for the people of Powys to have their say on any further changes."

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Any section of road deemed suitable for a change, either back to 30mph or down to 20mph, will be shared with local councillors and Town and Community Councils for any further comment.

Following this, any recommendations to change the speed limits will then be subject to a legal statuary traffic regulation order (TRO) process, before any changes are implemented.

This will involve a public consultation, where residents can show support or raise objections before final decisions are made.