As pupils in a Powys school have been getting used to a school wide ban of mobile phones, the school has come up with a musical initiative to distract them.

Ysgol Llanfyllin has been looking for ways to keep pupils occupied after they returned from summer holidays and had to get used to a school wide ban on phones.

Turning to the school’s expressive arts department, a number of old pianos were placed around the school building.

Free for all pupils to play during break and lunch times, the initiative is designed to keep their fingers busy by tapping piano keys rather than smartphones.

The school hopes that as well as occupying students minds, the project will help to encourage creativity and self-expression, while also spotlighting musical talent within the school.


Headteacher Dewi Owen said: “The first free piano has proved to be a real hit with pupils and its amazing to see normally shy children playing tunes for their fellow pupils and being greeted with applause from their peers.

“Creativity, innovation, the arts and music are really important for a rounded education, and it is so important that we encourage these skills in our pupils.”

The Llanfyllin school was reportedly inspired by a similar initiative at Solihull School, in which several old pianos were placed at various points around the school for students to use at their leisure.

As well as the pianos, the school has also been holding weekly ‘Lunchtime Gigs’ in the school foyer.

Mr Owen added: “The lunchtime gigs are wonderful. Every Friday we are treated to pupils performing a huge variety of musical genres on a wide range of instruments.

“From a Year 9 boy belting out Sinatra’s ‘My Way’ to twin sisters rocking out with Beatles classics, it is truly wonderful and puts a smile on everyone’s face before the weekend.”

While the school has several pianos already, it is still accepting more from any member of the community who has an old but still playable piano that they might wish to donate. Anyone interested is encouraged to get in touch with Ysgol Llanfyllin.