Police are investigating five rural burglaries and thefts reported across Powys.

Dyfed-Powys have confirmed that in the last week, high value items, including quad bikes, trailers and power tools have been stolen from multiple properties.

As a result, police are advising the farming community to take some simple steps to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of burglaries or thefts.

“I would encourage residents to ensure that their property is secure and valuables are protectively marked and locked away,” said Inspector Suzanne Lloyd.

“If you take the time to assess the security of your property, follow some useful advice and take positive action, you can reduce the risk of becoming a victim”

“While we deal with a number of thieves who act opportunistically, some, who are more determined, will carry out reconnaissance visits of farms in order to locate high value items to steal at a later date.

“We ask farmers to be mindful of the location and storage of such items as they are very much sought after by the criminal fraternity.”


Farmers are being encouraged to review their own security, to install CCTV systems and security lighting on farm yards, along with other measures to make it difficult for criminals to operate or act as a deterrent.

They are also being urged to “record the make and serial numbers of items, create an up to date inventory list of their property, and take photographs of each item” while easily removed items should be marked or stamped with the postcode, farm’s name or other identifying mark.

Tools and small items of machinery “should be locked in a secure building” and “tractors, farm implements and valuable machinery should not be parked near or alongside public roads when not in use”.

Farm gates should be “locked with good quality chains or padlocks, and hinges should preferably be of the capped or inverted type to prevent easy removal”.

Police are also recommending the “installation of tracking devices on quad bikes, ATVs and other farm vehicles” as it has proven “many times to be the most efficient way of recovering stolen property”.

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“Remember, we can’t act on something if we don’t know about it,” added Inspector Lloyd. “No matter how insignificant it may seem, please report all suspicious activity to police immediately, and don’t assume someone else would have notified us.”

All Dyfed-Powys Rural Crime Team officers are qualified Crime Prevention Tactical advisors (CPTAC). To arrange a crime prevention visit from our officers, please email ruralcrimeteam@dyfed-powys.police.uk

To report a non-urgent incident, you can contact police either online via https://bit.ly/DPPContactOnline, via email by 101@dyfed-powys.police.uk or calling 101.

In an emergency, always call 999.