Card recycling banks are to be removed from community recycling sites across Powys in October.

Powys County Council announced the decision following a notification in July.

The council said the recycling banks were introduced when there was no kerbside recycling collection.

Now, with a weekly kerbside recycling service in place, the council says card and other items can be easily recycled from home.

Councillor Jackie Charlton, cabinet member for a greener Powys, said: "The decision to remove card recycling banks was agreed by the cabinet earlier this year.

"Although initially identified as a budget saving, it is also a duplication of service, the removal therefore allows us to concentrate our stretched resources on fulfilling the weekly kerbside collections.

"We appreciate there are some regular users of the card recycling banks, but if broken up and added to your blue recycling box, card can easily be recycled each week from home.

"If anyone is struggling to fit all their recycling into their kerbside containers, they can request additional boxes online.

"Larger amounts of card can still be taken to any of the five Household Waste Recycling Centres across Powys."

The council said the removal of these banks will also prevent them from being abused by fly-tippers contaminating the material with non-recyclable waste or used illegally by businesses.

Businesses needing a recycling collection service can contact the Powys commercial recycling team for a free quote at 01597 810829 or by emailing