A POWYS man is still yet to enter pleas to serious allegations including coercive behaviour, stalking, perverting the course of justice and assault, due to the poor preparation of his case.

Martin Griffiths, who is currently on remand, appeared at Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court on Friday, September 13.

He was unable to enter any pleas to six charges he faces because the case is not yet ready to proceed – with Judge Vanessa Francis noting that little progress has been made in the three weeks since the 33-year-old was last before her.

Griffiths, of Newgate Street, Brecon, faces six charges in total. It is alleged the controlling or coercive behaviour happened between May 1 and June 30.

He is accused of making threats with a bladed article on March 3 and did an act intending to pervert the course of public justice between January 24 and June 26.


He is charged with two separate assaults, on May 3 and July 7, and he is also charged with stalking between June 30 and July 7.

Prosecutor Kathryn Lane said the case was adjourned previously for pleas to be made, but none could not be taken on Friday “due to the state of the case”.

Judge Francis said: “The preparation of the case to date just isn’t good enough. It needs to be comprehensively assessed so the defence can make their choices.

County Times:

“The concern is he’s in custody. The longer we leave it, the more unfair it will be to everyone – himself and witnesses.”

Judge Francis adjourned the case again, for two weeks, until September 27.

She did also fix a trial date, to start on January 6, 2025, with an expected duration of five days.

She further remanded Griffiths until the next hearing.