A POWYS woman who assaulted a police officer in her home after they came to arrest her partner had been drinking heavily, a court heard.

Kristine Putnina, 33, entered a guilty plea to assaulting PC Hughes at her home in Llandrindod Wells on August 17 when she appeared at court this week.

Magistrates sitting in Llandrindod on Wednesday, September 11, heard Putnina had been finding it “incredibly difficult” since suffering a personal trauma last December.

Prosecutor James Ashton said police had attended at Putnina’s Ashridge Close address on August 17 to arrest her partner for an unrelated matter.

“She didn’t take kindly to this and tried to stop them taking him,” said Mr Ashton.

“Police smelt alcohol on her. She began flailing her arms and she struck PC Hughes. There was no injury.

“She was arrested and later admitted her conduct.”


Mr Ashton said Putnina had no previous convictions, but she was cautioned for an actual bodily harm assault earlier this year.  

Gavin Rofer, defending Putnina, said: she had been drinking heavily over recent months.

“The relationship with her partner is suffering as a result," he said. "The actual bodily harm incident involved her partner.

“There had been a complaint by her against him on this day; her incredibly volatile home situation hasn’t been helping her cope with what happened in December or helping her deal with her increasing problems with alcohol.

“She accepts she acted entirely inappropriately and was affected by the amount of alcohol consumed. Thankfully, the assault was transient."

Probation officer Donna Davies interviewed Putnina and said: “She was angered and lashed out, having withdrawn her statement against her partner; that was a heated argument that had cooled down.

County Times:

“She is currently unemployed but previously worked as a waitress. She describes the relationship with her partner as loving and caring but there’s been a decline due to her increased alcohol use."

Magistrates handed Putnina a 12-month community order, which will include 15 rehabilitation activity days.

She was also fined £100 and must pay a £114 surcharge and £85 costs. Magistrates ordered no compensation to the officer.