I am writing to express my deep disappointment over the recent decision by our local MP, Steve Witherden, to vote in favour of removing winter fuel payments for struggling pensioners.

This move is not only short-sighted but also deeply harmful to some of the most vulnerable members of our community.

For many pensioners, the winter fuel payment is a lifeline.

With rising energy prices and the increasing cost of living, many elderly people are already struggling to make ends meet.


Without this vital support, more pensioners will be forced to make the impossible choice between heating their homes or affording basic necessities.

Our elderly population, many of whom have worked and contributed to this country throughout their lives, deserve better.

This decision will undoubtedly put their health and well-being at risk, particularly during the cold winter months when heating becomes a necessity, not a luxury.

I urge Steve Witherden to reconsider his stance on this issue and advocate for the restoration of winter fuel payments.

Protecting the vulnerable should always be a priority, and this decision does the exact opposite.

Our community should stand together in calling for a reversal of this unfair policy before it’s too late.
Roman Jones