A LLANDRINDOD Wells woman will be sentenced in the crown court after she pleaded guilty to dangerous driving this week, that resulted in a crash.

Faye Morgan Koopmann-Glass, 47, admitted fault after she caused a two-vehicle road traffic collision in the early hours of July 6, while driving on the wrong side of the road.

Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court heard on Wednesday, September 11, that Koopmann-Glass, of Wellington Road, Llandrindod, had been drinking on the night in question, and was over the legal limit when she crashed her black VW Scirocco into a white Citroen CS near Newbridge-on-Wye.

However, by the time she was breathalysed at the police station she provided a reading that was under the 35 micrograms threshold – and she was charged only with dangerous driving.


Prosecutor James Ashton said the collision occurred on the B4358 between Newbridge and Beulah.

“The incident happened in the early hours, around 3am, and involved a two-vehicle collision near Llanafan Fawr.

“Ms Wilkinson, the driver of the white Citroen, has a dashcam in her car, which captures the footage.

“As she’s negotiating a bend, the defendant’s vehicle approaches on the wrong side of the road; all four wheels are on her side.

“Thankfully, Ms Wilkinson was not injured, she suffered very minor injuries.

“The defendant blows over, 56 micrograms at the roadside, but there is then a three-hour delay for an ambulance and she is taken to hospital.

“When she is taken to the station, she blows under. She told officers she had been in the pub and drank four bottles of Peroni.

“She acknowledges she was on the wrong side of the road. She didn’t feel unfit to drive and she wishes to convey her apologies to Ms Wilkinson.”

County Times:

Mr Ashton said the defendant had no previous convictions.

Jess Taylor-Goddard, acting for Koopmann-Glass, made no representations.

Magistrates committed the case for sentence at Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court, where Koopmann-Glass is due to attend on October 2.