THE newly formed Llandrindod Wells Independent Group of town councillors put questions to Powys Teaching Health Board (PTHB) representatives at an important public meeting held recently.

Held at the Pavilion on Thursday, August 27, the meeting was called to discuss proposed changes and cuts to health services in the town and other local community hospitals within the county.

Top of concerns for spa town residents is proposed cuts in opening hours of the Minor Injuries Units (MIU) at Llandrindod Wells War Memorial Hospital; from the current 7am-12am to the proposed opening hours of 8am-8pm. PTHB hopes to make £230,000 in savings from this move, in what has been claimed will be a trial period.

PTHB chairman Dr Carl Cooper and chief executive Hayley Thomas were in attendance to answer concerned residents and councillors’ questions.


The meeting was well attended and during open questions residents raised a number of other important issues, ranging from potential loss of services, funding and the future of the town and local area if further expected cuts are made later in the year.

During the meeting it was disclosed that PTHB are in the region of £23 million over budget after making about £9m of savings.

Working together on behalf of the Liberal Democrats were MP David Chadwick, MS Jane Dodds and Llandrindod county councillors Jake Berriman and Pete Roberts who facilitated the public meeting to represent local residents’ interests.

The three members of the Independent Group of town councillors, Steve Deeks-D’Silva, David Markinson and Jamie Jones, each made a number of targeted representations on behalf of residents, arguing strongly against these cuts to local health services.

Pictured (l-r) are Cllr Steve Deeks D'Silva, Cllr Jamie Jones, Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe MP David Chadwick, Member of the Senedd Jane Dodds, Cllr Jake Berriman, Cllr David Markinson and Cllr Pete Roberts.