A SIX-week consultation on overhead line connections at two proposed energy park sites near Llandrindod Wells and Builth Wells has begun.

Green GEN Cymru launched a consultation on the proposed Bryn Gilwern and Aberedw 132kV (132,000-volt) connections on Wednesday, September 11, which runs until October 23.

Green GEN Cymru says the existing electricity network does not have sufficient capacity to connect new renewable energy generation to the national grid – although there has been widespread condemnation of energy park projects across Powys.

Green GEN is proposing two new overhead lines, supported on wood poles, to connect Bute Energy’s Bryn Gilwern and Aberedw Energy Parks to a proposed new local distribution network at a new electricity switching station, located at the foot of Aberedw Hill, north-east of Builth Wells.


The proposed Bryn Gilwern connection, between Llandrindod and Hundred House, is approximately 5 kilometres, and the Aberedw connection is just over 1km.

The two overhead line connections are separate projects, but Green Gen says it is consulting on them together because they will both connect at the same location

As part of the six-week consultation period, three community events are taking place later this month for people to find out more about the proposals and ask questions of the project team.

The first public event takes place at Howey Village Hall on Thursday, September 26, from 2-7pm.

The second will be the following day, September 27, at Hundred House Village Hall, also between 2-7pm. The third will be on Saturday, September 28, at Aberedw Church Hall from 10.30am-3.30pm.

For detailed information, including an interactive map of these two projects, visit

www.greengenbryngilwern.com and www.greengenaberedw.com.