A Powys primary school has received a glowing report from Estyn during its latest inspection, describing it as “happy, supportive and aspirational”.

An Estyn Report on Llanfechain Church in Wales Primary School, published on September 1, has praised the Powys school, saying that are both “proud of their school” and “appreciate the care and nurture they receive”.

The inspection was carried out on August 1 and complimented the staff and headteacher, as well as the school’s overall curriculum and safeguarding culture, with the school’s headteacher adding that she was “delighted” by the results.

The report said: “The school provides an interesting and balanced curriculum that reflects pupils’ needs, the school’s values and the local context well.


“Over time, most pupils make good progress in developing their literacy and digital skills. The provision for developing pupils’ numeracy skills is strong. They make strong progress and apply their skills effectively across the curriculum and in a range of contexts.

“The headteacher is a passionate and caring leader. She has high expectations of herself and works diligently to ensure that all pupils achieve their potential.

“She is supported well by a small but conscientious team of staff who strive to achieve the very best that they can for the pupils and the school community as a whole. Governors provide strong support for the headteacher and staff and ensure that the school makes effective use of its resources.”

Headteacher, Catherine Hart, said: “I am delighted that the inspection has highlighted the nurturing ethos of our close-knit school, where pupils feel a real sense of belonging that is built on our Christian ethos, through strong learning and teaching.

“The hard work of our dedicated staff and governors has been truly recognised, as has the enthusiasm for learning and genuine empathy of all our pupils”.

The report did highlight some areas for improvement, saying: “Teachers provide pupils with regular feedback on their work. However, this does not always focus well enough on important areas for improvement or provide pupils with meaningful opportunities to respond and make improvements.”

Chair of Governors Sian Dixon, added: “I am thrilled that ESTYN have recognised the sense of family that comes from Ysgol Llanfechain’s inclusive and caring ethos, where everyone is valued and appreciated. Children build on their sense of belonging to become aspirational and responsible citizens.”

On Wednesday, October 9, the school will be holding an open day for parents, prospective parents and community members from 3.30pm to 6pm.