A POWYS man has been ordered to stay away from his own mother for 12 months after he left sickening messages on her answering machine.

Alexander Day, 31, previously admitted a charge of sending a communication conveying a threatening message, and was sentenced at Welshpool Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, September 3.

Prosecutor Helen Tench told the court Alisdair Moore, who is Day’s stepfather, discovered vile messages Day left on the house answer machine for his mother on January 20 this year.

“Mr Moore checked the landline voicemail and recognised a voice he knew very well, his stepson,” said Mrs Tench.

“He had sent multiple messages in the early hours."

The messages included claims that he intended to kill her.


Mrs Tench said Day had an unstable mental health history. “The defendant was arrested and said he couldn’t remember leaving the messages, but admitted he did it.

“Mr Moore, in a victim impact statement, said he felt scared for his wife’s welfare and he was angry he [Day] would say such things about his mother.”

Acting for Day, of Severnside Cottages, Newtown, Geraint Parry said: “These were disturbing, alarming and quite frankly disgusting messages.

“The defendant was drunk at the time and says he was frustrated by how his family have treated him over the years.

“He knows it’s not acceptable and is embarrassed by what he’s done. He regrets it and knows he’ll now have a criminal record.”

Mr Parry said his unemployed client was trying to seek work in the music industry.

"He studied music at Bristol University,” added Mr Parry.

“He got addicted to drugs while there because of his flatmate, which is the reason why he’s had long-term mental health issues.

“He does not take illegal substances now and is not a drinker. He would be saddened by a restraining order, as he wants to have a positive relationship with his family.”

County Times:

Day will be subjected to a 12-month community order, which will include 100 hours of unpaid work and 25 rehabilitation activity days.

He was told to pay a £114 surcharge and £85 costs but magistrates ordered no compensation as they feel it would just exacerbate the situation.

He will also be the subject of a restraining order for 12 months.