Fixing the environmental issues in the River Wye may be more complex than first thought, a new study has found.

Cardiff University researchers found that water quality in the River Wye catchment will not improve by focusing only on phosphate levels in the water.

The chemical, which finds its way into the river from a range of sources, has been linked to a perceived increase in frequency and severity of algal blooms, which are harmful to the river’s ecology, wildlife, and those using the river for fishing and swimming.

But the new report, prepared over two years by researchers at Cardiff University for the Wye and Usk Foundation, shows current phosphate levels are mostly within Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) targets.


Simon Evans, chief executive of the Wye and Usk Foundation, said: “While phosphate levels in the Wye have been declining in large part due to investment by Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, we were still receiving reports from members of the public that algal blooms had been spotted and were getting worse in the catchment.

“This didn’t make sense. And so, to better understand what was going on, we instigated and funded this study."

The report instead concluded that increased levels of ammonium and nitrate, seasonal changes to the river’s flow, and high summer temperatures are all combining to affect the Wye’s health.

Its authors added that a holistic management approach, which addresses the river’s flow rate, water temperature, and reduces all nutrients from all sources is essential to reverse the decline in the river’s health.

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Professor Rupert Perkins, from Cardiff University, said: “Phosphate is seen as a ‘low-hanging fruit’, an easy thing to focus on as the cause of poor water quality. But it’s just one piece of the jigsaw puzzle.

“By studying the biology with eDNA, alongside water quality measurements, we get a far better understanding of the range of causes behind the problems in the river.

“We’re not saying we can forget about phosphorous altogether.

“We must look at all nutrients as well as flow rates, temperature and the biology of the Wye, working in the catchment on precautionary and preventative approaches.

“Generating an action plan that deals holistically with the range of causes that affect water quality will help organisations like Natural Resources Wales and the Environment Agency in river management on the Wye and on a much wider scale too.

“It’s a beautiful river with lots of great wildlife but we need to look at the bigger picture and not silver-bullet quick fixes.”