The first-ever Builth Wells Charity Aquathlon which took place last month raised thousands of pounds for Cancer Research UK!

Taking place on August 11, a total of 77 participants, ranging from 19 to 74 years old, managed to raise £4,284 for the cause.

The event was started with the "3, 2, 1 Go" by the Mayor of Builth Wells, Cllr Gwyn Davies.

After participants crossed the finish line in the Groe, he was also there to present the awards.

Event organisers Helen Tuite and Adam Johnstone expressed their surprise at the success of the event.

Mr Johnstone said: "We're delighted that this event has not only raised so much money for such a great cause but that the majority of those who took part were first-timers to a multi-discipline event.

"They were, understandably, a bit nervous, but when they crossed the finish line they were buzzing with excitement, and said they couldn't wait to take part in another one.

"We've heard a lot of stories about how it has kick-started some of them into running and swimming, which was one of our aims."

 Winner of Open 18-39 age category - Eric Apperley - with Karen Hughes of Smithfield Tractors, corporate sponsor of the event  (Image: Ted Edwards Photography, Builth Wells)

Participant Karen Lynch, who alone raised more than £1,500, revealed her motivations: "I wanted to take part as I've never done anything like this before and because it's a cause very close to my heart."

In a show of gratitude, Ms Tuite said: "In addition to Karen, we'd like to thank all those who took part and the volunteers who helped on the day, the staff at Builth Wells Swimming Pool (part of Freedom Leisure) for letting us use their venue and our headline sponsor, Paul Watkins, AKA Gino's Ice Creams.

"We'd also like to thank all the local organisations, groups and individuals who supported the event, in particular our corporate sponsors and those who donated raffle prizes."

She also said: "Because it was such a success, we're hoping this will be an annual event and put Builth Wells on the map for aquathlons.

"We're in the process of putting together a small team of people to help organise the next one.

"So if anyone's interested in being involved, they can contact me on 07941 416303 or, or they can check out the latest updates on"