A POWYS fire station has raised thousands of pounds this year, strengthening its position at the heart of the community it has served for 60 years.

Presteigne Fire Station has organised car washes, a raffle, an open day and more throughout 2024 to raise awareness and funds for the Fire Fighters Charity.

So far this year the station has raised £6,791 for the charity, with further donations also going to Presteigne Young Farmers Club and the Friends of Radnor Valley School

The money has been raised with the help of the close-knit community in Presteigne, with incredible support from local businesses and families.

Dougie Preece is one of the on-call firefighters based at the station, and says he has helped organise the events because it’s what the station has always done – in addition, of course, to saving lives.

 Dougie Preece has helped organise the fundraising events because it’s what the station has always done. Dougie Preece has helped organise the fundraising events because it’s what the station has always done. (Image: Laura Shepherd)

“I’ve always been involved in fundraising,” said Dougie, speaking to the Fire Fighters Charity.

“When my dad was sub officer himself, it was a written rule that you had to be involved in an event he’d be planning at least once a year.

“I’ve been in the fire service coming up to 20 years now myself and [have] carried that on.

“We don’t go many years without doing something – in my time here alone we’ve organised car washes, a 24-hour spinathon, open days, carrying a ladder 7 miles between stations, a 100-mile bike ride – which we actually did twice – collections at local carnivals and shows, a 75 mile-relay involving 25 miles in breathing apparatus… you name it.”

Dougie, a painter and decorator in his day job, says highlights this year have been two car washes, a raffle and a recent open day – all of which were hugely supported by local businesses. The open day raised an incredible £3,775.

“Our fundraising becomes a real community effort,” he added.

“I was working my day job at a lad’s place one day when my pager went off while I was there.

“When I got back, he was asking a million and one questions and ended up donating two tickets to see the cricket at Lord’s for our raffle.”


The raffle raised £1,600 for the station, with prizes donated from across the community.

Meanwhile, the station organised two car washes – one at the local primary school and one through the YFC, both of which donated 60 per cent of all funds raised to the station.

“The (fun day) event itself corresponded with 60 years of our fire station being here,” said Dougie.

“We invited all ex-firefighters who’d previously worked here down for the evening before.

“Beforehand, we’d written to all the local businesses asking for sponsorship too, many of which kindly offered it. We also asked for donations of raffle prizes.

“It means a lot to all of us to support the Fire Fighters Charity. We’ve had various crew members who’ve had support, so we know the difference these funds make.”

Most fire stations in Powys are currently looking for new recruits. Get in touch with your local crew or have a look on the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service website at https://www.mawwfire.gov.uk/eng/ for more information, if you're curious about joining.