Machynlleth will be holding a by-election to fill the vacant council position left by the death of Michael Williams.

Powys County Council confirmed on September 3 that a county council and town council by-election for Machynlleth is to be held to fill the county council and town council vacancy left by Michael Williams.

Mr Williams, a highly respected county councillor for Machynlleth for over 40 years, passed away in July.


Machynlleth Mayor Jeremy Paige described Mr Williams by saying: “He was wise and kind and had a vision for the future but he also had a special respect for those who came before him and it is incumbent on us to continue his legacy.”

As the notice of election has been published, anyone considering standing as a candidate now has until 4pm on Thursday, September 12, to submit their nomination paper to the Returning Officer.

If an election is contested, it will take place on Wednesday, October 9, 2024.

Anyone who isn’t registered to vote have until Monday, September 23, to vote in this election.