Welshpool’s mayor has said the empty shops in the town are becoming the targets of “abhorrent people”.

Mayor Phil Owen has said the empty shops in town centre are becoming the source of unwanted attention after another town centre cannabis farm was raided yesterday (September 2).

This was the third such farm found in Welshpool town centre this year and the fourth in the town itself.

READ MORE: Man arrested in daytime raid on large-scale cannabis farm in centre of Welshpool

Mr Owen has said he has concerns that the shops in the town centre which are currently being left empty by developers are inadvertently catching the attention of criminals.  

"I am still awaiting further information on the circumstances of this,” said Mr Owen. “If the initial reports are correct, this seems to be yet another example of criminal misuse of some of the empty shops and buildings in the town.

“Coming so quickly after the discoveries made at the former HSBC building and elsewhere, this is yet another worrying development.

“This is partly a consequence of property owners and businesses who allow buildings to stand empty, unused and unsecure.

“Whilst Welshpool is not alone in having such buildings, its geographical location and image as a 'sleepy market town' seems to have attracted the unwanted attention of these abhorrent people.”

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Mr Owen said he will be asking for developments from Dyfed-Powys Police about the latest arrest and has said he is also in contact with Powys County Council for solutions as to how some of the town centre can be reoccupied.

Mr Owen added that he hopes the results of this latest raid will deter future use of the town for such activities.

“However, the action of the police will,” said Mr Owen. “I hope, serve as a lesson that this sort of activity will not be tolerated in our town and we must remail vigilant that there are no reoccurrences."