POLICE had to drive at speeds of beyond 100 miles per hour after a drink driver led them on a chase in and around Newtown.

Aidan Bowker, 24, pleaded guilty to drink driving and failing to stop his vehicle when he appeared at court this week.

Bowker, driving a grey Honda, was described as “weaving all over the road” during the incident.

Prosecutor Skye Connors told Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, August 28, that when Bowker eventually stopped for pursuing officers he was arrested, after providing a positive alcohol reading.

“PCs Bufton and Willis noted a grey Honda coming towards them on their side of the road, before the driver then went back on his side then continued towards the A470,” said Ms Connors.


“He made off at speed and was seen in the distance. They then saw him heading back towards Newtown. They accelerated to over 100mph to catch up, their speed reached 109mph.

“He was braking in a deliberate attempt to evade police. He was weaving all over the road, then drove onto the bypass.

“He failed to pull over and a pursuit was declared. He kept going and made no attempt to stop.

“He did eventually pull over after taking the turn for Dolfor. Officers said they had seen the defendant outside a pub earlier that evening. His eyes were glazed and he was clearly drunk.”

A roadside breath test showed Bowker had 61 micrograms of alcohol in his breath – the legal limit is 35mcgs.

Acting in his own defence, Bowker, of Palm Grove, Guildford, said: “I understand what I did was wrong.

“I did not knowingly fail to stop, I pulled over as soon as I realised the police lights were for me.

County Times:

“Being autistic, I was quite frightened and I’m not from the area so was confused trying to get to my friend’s house.

“I deeply regret getting in my vehicle. I’m incredibly sorry.”

Magistrates banned Bowker for 17 months – he can reduce this by 17 weeks if he completes a drink driving rehabilitation programme.

They also fined him £438 and told him to pay a £175 surcharge and £85 costs. There will be no separate penalty for failing to stop.