A coffee morning and cake stall at Llanfair Caereinion was able to raise over £1,000 for a children’s charity.

An event held at the Institute in Llanfair Caereinion on Saturday, August 24, managed to raise at least £1,100 for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC).

The coffee morning was well attended with people enjoying a cup of teas and a slice of cake at the Institute, as well as a chance to socialise and chat with others in the community.

Ann Watkin-Jones, Current Chair of the local fundraising committee, said: “We are so grateful to everyone who supported this event and in doing so we have together raised an incredible amount of money to support the valuable work of the NSPCC in supporting children and young people.


“Particular thanks must go the small, but hard working, committee, many of whom have been active members of the Committee now for over 50 years or more. Indeed, very many of the Committee members are also actively involved in other voluntary and charitable work in the community too.  

"As a committee we would welcome new members who are willing to help support our fundraising efforts and anyone interested is encouraged to get in touch with me or any of the Committee members to discuss further.  

"Thank you to everyone who has helped and supported this event - we are most grateful for the ongoing generosity and support of the community."

(Image: Viv Jones)

The event was organised by the local fundraising Committee, which has been holding events such like this on an annual basis for over 50 years, raising many thousands for the charity in the process.

With stalls supplied by home-made cakes, preserves and home grown produce by the committee members, they quickly disappeared as people bought what was available. 

There was also a raffle made up of prizes donated by local businesses, individuals and by the committee members.

The Committee are also planning a fashion show in the spring to showcase the fashions from Kathy Gittins, by agreement of the new owner Shona Jerman, who will be re-opening the shop at Welshpool in the near future.