Regarding Llandrindod wells lake.

Been born an bred in Llandrindod Wells an lived there for 60 years before moving to Brecon. 

I return each week to see my mother and find the lake a disgrace to how it used to be. 

As a family we spent many happy times up there and can never remember an accident occurring.

Around the lake itself a two way system worked very well and with safe parking on both sides of the road. 

Due to COVID a cycling lane was introduced making cars parking on the outer side of the lake side itself more dangerous itself. 

Putting it back to how it was would be so much more beneficial as cars could park on the side of the road not in the central lane as it is now. 

Also with all the greenery they’ve put either side of the lake looking from Lakeside Avenue or from the other side in places the lake is no longer visible which I find is defeating the object of having such a lovely lake alas not been able to see it from all angles. 

The boat house an the cafe are doing their best to make this lake a pleasure for tourists to enjoy.

Regarding the greenery I recall was put there after the lake was dredged an cleaned out due to the algae of which was under control when years ago the motor boats which have now been taken from there turned over the algae etc keeping the lake spick an span.
Andy Bird