A NEWTOWN woman who has lost her driving licence after being found guilty of an offence at her trial has said the outcome is “one of best things” that could have happened to her.

Taryn Mullins, 36, was found guilty of failing to provide a specimen for analysis at her trial in July – having been stopped by police on suspicion of drink driving in Newtown back in March.

Mullins, of Lon Gwern, was stopped on March 16 driving a white BMW, with officers suspecting she had been under the influence of alcohol.

Prosecutor James Ashton told Welshpool Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, August 20, that Mullins had denied the offence previously, in May, but had been found guilty at her trial, held in Welshpool on July 24.


“An interim driving ban was imposed (on that day),” said Mr Ashton.

“The defendant was stopped at 10.59pm driving a white BMW, smelling of intoxicants.

“A roadside breath test was positive but she then refused to provide a sample at the station.”

He said Mullins had no previous convictions.

Representing herself this week, Mullins said she accepted responsibility for her actions on the evening.

“I am ashamed by it,” she said.

“As crazy as it sounds, this is one of the best things that could have happened; it’s probably made me face up to a few things.

“I need my licence for work so I would ask the court to consider that in terms of length of ban.”

Magistrates banned Mullins for 17 months – but she can reduce the disqualification by completing a drink driving rehabilitation course.

They also told her to complete a 12-month community order, which will include 80 hours of unpaid work and 25 rehabilitation activity days.

She was ordered to pay the full trial costs of £650, as well as a £114 surcharge.

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