Faeces have been spread over the walls of a Powys public toilet only days after repairs  were completed which cost thousands of pounds.

The Station Crescent Public Toilets in Llandrindod Wells have been the target of vandals merely days after almost £4,000 repairs were made, after it was previously damaged by vandals earlier in the year.

Llandrindod Wells Town Council asked residents to report any sightings of potential vandalism to the police.


In a statement online, the town council said: “The Station Crescent Public Toilets have had the accumulated damage repaired during last week at a cost of almost £4,000, this cost is borne by the residents of Llandrindod Wells via their Council Tax.

“This morning it was reported that someone had spread faeces over the tiled walls in the men's cubicles. Obviously, we will not share any photos.

“All residents are asked to be vigilant and if they see any such behaviour or vandalism taking place to call the police.

“The cost of continued damage may have an effect on the future of the public toilets.”

This comes only a few months after vandals reached “a new low” with “doors being damaged, toilet rolls holders being vandalised or removed”.

Vandals even went so far to remove one of the toilet doors.

That followed a previous wave of trouble at the toilets in October last year – on that occasion excrement and bodily fluids were thought to have been found smeared on walls at the Station Crescent toilets.