A NEWTOWN man who became “volatile” with police officers ended up being PAVA sprayed, although it seemed to have little effect on him.

Ricki Kirkham, 39, admitted a charged of obstructing an officer when he appeared at Welshpool Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, August 13.

Prosecutor Helen Tench said Kirkham resisted Police Constable Green on July 26 after he showed up at Newtown Police Station having drunk six cans of strong cider.

The court heard Kirkham, of Cledan, Newtown, had come to the station to complete some paperwork to do with an unrelated matter.


Officers then became aware he was wanted for another matter that had occurred earlier in the day.

“It was 2.10pm and officers were at the front entrance of the police station; the defendant had come to complete paperwork for an unrelated matter,” said Mrs Tench.

“It was discovered he was wanted for a matter earlier that day, and he became volatile.

“Officers tried to arrest him; he was bumping into a wall, his speech was slurred, he dropped his phone and had difficulty picking it up. He was struggling to form a sentence.

“PC Green took hold of his arm and he resisted immediately. The officer took him to the ground with a leg sweep and he flipped her on her back; she struck blows and used PAVA spray on him, thought it seemed to have little effect. Other officers arrived and subdued him.

“He said he’d had six cans of strong cider before coming to the station. He said sorry and that he didn’t mean to cause any harm.”

Geraint Parry, representing Kirkham, said only minor injuries were sustained. “He had a bad day of drinking, he is trying to get help,” said Mr Parry.

“It has been a rather troubling 12 months. He lost his brother and his dad has onset early dementia. He also missed the birth of his child.”

Probation officer Julian Davies interviewed the defendant and said: “He had attended a counselling meeting that morning regarding the death of his brother; he was emotional and admits reacting badly.

“He was given a two-week prison sentence by Shrewsbury Crown Court on August 5 for assaulting an emergency worker, and prior to that he was also remanded for 56 days.

“His licence runs until August 11 but he has since been recalled on licence, which was revoked on August 8, but he hasn’t been picked up by police yet.”

Magistrates fined Kirkham £80 and told him to pay £85 costs and a £32 surcharge.

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