A judge has fixed a trial for a Powys man accused of a number of domestic abuse offences for next year.

Niles Taylor, 23 and of Powis Court, Welshpool pleaded not guilty to four counts over a video link from HMP Berwyn, where he is in custody, at Mold Crown Court on Friday, August 16.

He denied engaging in controlling or coercive behaviour as well as causing actual bodily harm, intentional strangulation and intentional suffocation, all against the same claimant.


The offences are alleged to have happened between February 1 and July 13 this year, with counts two, three and four all occurring on July 13.

For count one, Taylor is accused of verbal and physical abuse, belittling the claimant, monitoring her social media output and accused her of hiding messages on her phone and limiting her data.

He was also accused of threatening to report her and blocking access to friends and family.

County Times:

Taylor denies all charges.

Judge Rhys Rowlands, sitting in Mold Crown Court one, ordered a two-day trial for January 8, 2025 which will sit at Caernarfon Crown Court.

However, he informed the defendant that if possible, the trial will be heard at an earlier date and at Mold, time and space permitting.