Llanfair Caereinion’s iconic clock face has been restored to full working order after a lengthy campaign to repair the historic timekeeper.

The clock in the church tower of St Mary’s Church, Llanfair Caereinion, had been silent and still, but that time finally ended on Wednesday, August 14, after specialist clockmakers Smith of Derby returned the timekeeper to its home after removing it to carry out repairs in April.

The campaign to repair the clock first began in November 2022, as Friends of Llanfair Clock formed to look at routes of restoring it.

Sue Whitehouse, chair of Friends of Llanfair Clock, said: “I am delighted that we have got our ‘bongs’ back. It has been a long road, but the committee has kept that aim firmly in its sights and it is because of their commitment and support that our clock is working again.


“The clock is at the heart of our community and we came together in many ways to ensure it would keep time again.

“We now have to make sure that we have the funds in place to meet an annual maintenance check and any donations from individuals or sponsorship from local businesses would be very welcome.

(Image: Smith of Derby)

“I’d like to thank the guys at Smith of Derby who have done a brilliant job over the last three days and have been really touched by the comments made to them by the community.

“Finally, thanks must also go to Andrew Watkin, whose superb timber work to support the dial arm is likely to outlast the clock.”

After a delay in re-installing the clock, the team returned to Llanfair to put it back in place using ropes and pullies to raise the clock face and hands to their home on the church tower.

(Image: Smith of Derby)

Julie Breward, head of planning at Smith of Derby, added: “The restoration was delayed over some small joinery work that needed to be completed where the wood around the clock had rotted.

“We also needed some ideal weather to raise the clock back in place as it’s a complex job. It takes two people to carry it out, one to winch the clock face up and another to walk it up the wall and make sure it isn’t damaged.”

A community thanksgiving service is being held on Sunday, August 18, at 11am.