PEOPLE in a Powys community are being invited to attend an event to celebrate their former primary school, which shut last year.

Llanfihangel Rhydithon Community Primary School, in the village of Dolau, closed in July last year, after 175 years and a long fight to keep it open.

A celebration of the school is taking place at Dolau Hall on Sunday, September 22, from 2-5pm.

“The school governors, in association with Dolau Recreation Association (DRA), are organising a celebration of the school's past,” read a post that has circulated on social media.

“Geraint Hughes is in the process of collecting information from past pupils, teachers, parents, governors and any locals who have had a passed connection with the school in order to complete a book.

“Any memories, photographs or memorabilia would be welcome. If people wish to write a short story of their experience within the school, all would be appreciated. Please email these to

“We are particularly searching for a school admission book dating from 1930-37. If anyone has any information please get in contact.

“If you have any photos please send/drop off at School House, Dolau, LDI STW. For more information contact 07949 799386.

“Everyone is welcome to the event; tea, coffee and bring and share food will be available. All information will be very much welcome.”

Powys County Council (PCC) first announced proposals to close the rural school – the doors of which first opened in 1848 – in early 2021.

But feisty locals were angrily opposed and battled stoically for more than two years to fight them – even launching a Judicial Review at the High Court.


In June 2022, Mrs Justice Steyn refused permission for a Judicial Review to be held to challenge the decision made in February 2022 to close the school.

The school and community’s motto throughout the saga had been ‘We are Dolau and we are proud’.

After a heroic battle to scupper closure plans, the final nail in the coffin came that December, when an alternative proposal to establish Welsh-medium education in Dolau deemed not viable.

As schools broke up across Powys for the summer holidays in July 2023, Dolau pupils left knowing they would be attending classes somewhere else when they returned in September.