THE NUMBER of motorists caught speeding on 20mph roads in Mid and South Wales in July rose once again. 

Figures issued by GoSafe revealed that 6,002 people were caught exceeding the speed limit on Mid and South Wales roads in July. 

The average offence speed was 28.4mph, with the highest recorded being 67mph. 

In June, 5,711 speeding offences were identified, which in turn was up from 3,650 in May.

Across North Wales, meanwhile, a total of 5,119 motorists were caught speeding - at an average speed of 28.8mph. 


As well as the 6,002 drivers speeding in 20mph zones, another 1,702 were clocked in 20mph, meaning that across Mid and South Wales 7,704 people were spotted speeding.

That's well down on July 2023, when 16,216 people were seen breaking the 20 and 30mph speed limits. 

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A GoSafe spokesperson said: "It’s worth noting that the number of offences detected is not equal to the amount of people that received fines. The data is only for the number of offences. These offences may conclude in educational courses, points and a fine, court referrals or exemptions.

"We do not include a breakdown of the conclusions as notices have six months to be resolved and could be resolved at any point within that period."

Last month, the Welsh Government published new guidance on 20mph for local authorities to follow in order to make more exemptions to the speed limit.