A DRUNK man was described as being “all over the shop” as he went on shoplifting sprees throughout supermarkets in a Powys town.

Anthony Stephens, 55, stole various items from Tesco and Aldi in Llandrindod Wells on two separate dates in May and June.

Stephens, of Fronhir, Knighton, admitted two charges of theft when he appeared at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, July 31.

The first offence occurred on May 5 at the Tesco store on Waterloo Road, when Stephens stole items including a can opener, Nike gift cards, a bottle of Stella lager, a bottle of Henry Westons cider, a bottle of Henney’s cider and a material bag for life – valued at £44.33.

Then, on June 30, Stephens stole numerous groceries, valued at £70.52, from Llandrindod’s Aldi store, located on Station Crescent.


Prosecutor James Sprunks said: “At Tesco a male was seen leaving the store with two bags of alcohol and other items.

“He walked towards the train station; staff followed him. Police attended and found him at the Aldi car park, the defendant was hiding behind a metal shipping container, trying to evade them.

“He was searched and various items were located, including a can opener, five Nike gift cards, a bottle of cider and lager.

“He was arrested but denied shoplifting in interview. CCTV footage showed it was him.”

Speaking about the Aldi incident, Mr Sprunks added: “Matthew Davies was at work between 2.45 and 3.18pm, when he noticed a male who he knows walk in.

“The male went to the alcohol aisle with a bag. He appeared unsteady on his feet. Mr Davies said he stood out from the other customers. He has been banned from the store in past.

“He went over to the defendant and saw him put an alcohol bottle in his jeans pocket; he then lifted it back out.

“Mr Davies viewed CCTV footage and saw the defendant placing various items in his pockets. He put the items in a bag at the till.

“He then waited for a member of the public to open the door and then left without attempting to pay.

“He was confronted and said ‘this is mine, I paid £20 for it’.”

County Times:

Mr Sprunks said the police were called and that all items, across both incidents, were recovered.

Pat Matthews, representing Stephens, said her client had “very little recollection” of either incident.

“You can see from the footage he’s unsteady on his feet," the solicitor said. "He gave various accounts in interview, he was all over the shop.

“He says he doesn’t have a drink problem. He has some issues and had issues with alcohol in the past, but doesn’t at the moment.

“He is not that heavily convicted but has one previous shoplifting offence from earlier this year. It was a low value shoplifting.”

Magistrates fined Stephens £80 and told him to pay £85 costs and a £32 surcharge.