A 70-year-old man has been banned from driving after he was caught dangerously overtaking two cars on a busy Powys Road while vehicles were travelling from the opposite direction.

Stephen Hayward was driving a silver Land Rover along the A483 near Four Crosses when he was caught on dashcam footage overtaking as he exited a roundabout and accelerated up to 82mph.

An investigation into the incident identified the driver as 70-year-old Hayward who was interviewed by a GoSafe officer and admitted to being the driver involved in the incident on September 9, 2023.

GoSafe said that Hayward’s solicitor claimed that the manoeuvre was not dangerous and that he’d only committed the lesser offence of careless driving during a trial at Welshpool Magistrates’ Court on Monday, July 22.


Hayward, of Great Barrow, Chester, was found guilty of dangerous driving following the trial.

He was disqualified from driving for 12 months and must pass an extended driving test following the ban.

Hayward must also pay a £969 fine, £775 court costs and a £398 victim surcharge.

A spokesperson from GoSafe said: “The driver had the opportunity to abandon the overtake but continued towards the oncoming traffic.”

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“Dashcam footage inside one of the vehicles showed the oncoming traffic moving to avoid a head-on collision and potential fatal or life changing injuries.”

The dashcam footage was sent to GoSafe through Operation Snap whose teams can investigate driving offences from dangerous driving, careless driving, using a mobile phone, not wearing a seat belt, driving through a red light or over solid white lines, and not being in proper control of a vehicle.