ARMED police swooped on a public park in a Powys town after receiving reports that a man was walking around carrying a gun.

Mark Jones was found walking around Llandrindod Wells on June 4 carrying an air pistol.

Jones, 61, admitted being in possession of the air pistol when he appeared at Llandrindod Wells Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, July 31. The court heard he used the weapon to shoot at rats, although he denied he had been carrying it in view of people.

Prosecutor James Sprunks said armed police responded to a call from a member of the public, who said they had seen a male walking through the Rock Park area of the spa town with a gun at around 6.17pm on June 4.

Jones, of Oakridge Court, Llandrindod, was found on Park Lane, where the gun was found to be unloaded.


“Police received a 999 call stating a male was walking through the Rock Park area with a gun in his hand,” said Mr Sprunks.

“Police Sergeant Cole, a specialist firearms officer, was called to the area. The defendant was walking on Temple Street and the officer conducted a stop and search.

“He said the defendant had an air pistol in a carrier bag. It was unloaded but he had pellets in his pocket. He said he was using the air pistol to shoot at rats.

“He was interviewed by police and denied having it in view in Rock Park, but he admitted having it in a carrier bag.

“He said he shot rats on his own accord, not as part of his employment. He said he did this from time to time.”

Pat Matthews, acting for Jones, said: “He had been out and about shooting rats.

County Times:

“He didn’t accept having it (the air pistol) in his hand as he was walking through the park, but someone reported him for that.

“He was lucky the armed response unit didn’t shoot him because they came to the park to arrest him. He collects guns; police later entered his property and took them.

“He is not well at the moment, he has cancer. He is not having any treatment for cancer. Many family members have had cancer and he doesn’t want it as it’s so horrendous.”

In addition to fining Jones £80 and ordering him to pay costs of £85 costs and a £32 surcharge, magistrates made an order to confiscate the air weapon.