Powys County Council has paid tribute to late councillor Michael Williams.

Mr Williams served as a representative in Machynlleth for over 40 years and tributes have flooded in for the councillor, who passed away last week, being described as “Machynlleth through and through”.

Leader of Powys County Council, Cllr James Gibson-Watt, said: "On behalf of all Powys councillors, I want to express our sadness at the death of Cllr Michael Williams.

"Cllr Michael was elected at the first elections to the new shadow Powys Unitary Authority in 1995 before it went 'live' in 1996, which is when I first met him as a newly-elected, wet-behind-the-ears councillor.

"However, Cllr Michael had been a Powys County Councillor for more than a decade before that - he has represented his community of Machynlleth and the people of Powys for well over 40 years.”


Cllr Gibson-Watt added that Cllr Williams was “wise and astute” and would be missed by the entire council as well as the residents in Machynlleth.

"I don't know how many electoral contests he faced, but I suspect any challenge to him was always futile such was the respect and affection in which he was held by the people of Machynlleth,” said Cllr Gibson-Watt.

"He was always forthright in his views and not to afraid to express them in the council chamber, he certainly had no need of a microphone to do it. But behind that forthrightness lay a sensitive and kind soul.

"Above all else, Cllr Michael was wise and astute and always ready to share that wisdom.

"His contributions to our deliberations and the work of Powys County Council will be sorely missed by us all, but of course he will be especially missed by the people of Machynlleth.

"Our deepest sympathies are with his family, friends and colleagues. May he rest in peace."